HEH / International / AEF-Europe
The AEF-Europe Agency (http://www.erasmusplus-fr.be/) is responsible for promoting, implementing and managing mobility programmes such as Erasmus+, FAME and Erasmus Belgica (ERABEL), in accordance with national and European goals.
Two funding sources exist to promote the mobility financed through different programmes:
1. European funds (from the European Commission and co-managed by AEF-Europe and the Conseil Supérieur de la Mobilité étudiante – CSM*): staff and student mobility (outgoing and incoming)
The Erasmus+ programme finances mobility for studies, mobility for placement and/or a combination of both. It supports student, teacher and administrative staff mobility coming from higher education.
2. National funds (co-managed by the CSM – Conseil Supérieur de la Mobilité étudiante*): student mobility
At national level, other funding opportunities exist under certain conditions:
2a/ The Erasmus Belgica programme (ERABEL) supports mobility for placement or studies in language and cultural immersion in another community of Belgium.
2b/ The Fonds d’Aide à la Mobilité Étudiante programme (FAME) supports mobilities in Europe and outside Europe.
Application procedures vary according to the type of mobilities.
For additional information please contact Mrs Laurence Baras, Institutional Coordinator of the International Relations Commission, laurence.baras or Ms Héloïse Toussaint, Assistant at the International Relations Commission, heloise.toussaint.
*CSM - Conseil Supérieur de la Mobilité étudiante: independent opinion body for questions about mobility of higher education students within the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
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