HEH / International / Staff
Teachers and administrative staff members wishing to carry out a mobility abroad have to inform directly by email the International Relations Commission (cf. International Relations Commission – Contacts and members) by 20 January of the year before the mobility at the latest (relations.internationales).
Under the Erasmus+ programme, teachers have the opportunity to receive a grant for teaching mobilities (STA) or observation or training mobilities (STT). Administrative staff members also have the opportunity to be awarded a grant for a training/observation mobility (STT) abroad.
Other grants opportunities exist to teach abroad. Do not hesitate to read the 2021-2022 brochure of "Guide Ulysse" published by the WBI Agency (Wallonie-Bruxelles International - www.wbi.be).
Visit also the website of AEF-Europe Agency : www.erasmusplus-fr.be
Contact members of the International Relations Commission at the head office (“Administration centrale”):
Laurence Baras
International Relations Commission Coordinatorlaurence.baras
Héloïse Toussaint
International Relations Commission Assistantheloise.toussaint
Bérénice Vinck
International Relations Commission Secretaryberenice.vinck
All training courses available at the HEH.
All the practical informations to register quickly, on site or online.
All the informations on our next events.