Methodology: Project (in Computer Science or Building)
Scientific methodology: applications
Scientific methodology: theory
Lesson grid : Bachelor block 2 (2024-2025)
Teaching units of the 1st Quadrimester
Electricity 2 (5 ECTS)
Electricity 2: applications
Electricity 2: theory
Electronics (2 ECTS)
Electronics of semi-conductors 1: theory
Electronics of semi-conductors 1: labs
Applied mathematics 2 (4 ECTS)
Applied analysis 2
Fluid mechanics (2 ECTS)
Fluid mechanics: applications
Fluid mechanics: theory
Mechanics and materials sciences 2 (2 ECTS)
Theory of beams
Mechanics and applied thermodynamics 1 (5 ECTS)
Mechanics and applied thermodynamics 1: exercises
Mechanics and applied thermodynamics 1: theory
Physics 3 (2 ECTS)
Physics 3: labs
Physics 3: theory
Specific course units : Building Group
Basics of computer science 2 (3 ECTS)
Architectures of IT systems
Programming techniques 2
Chemistry 3 (1 ECTS)
Organic chemistry
Techniques in computer graphics 2 (3 ECTS)
Introduction to BIM modelling
Plans d'installation électrique BT
Teaching units of the 2nd Quadrimester
Biology (2 ECTS)
Biology and environment
Communication and languages (2 ECTS)
Communication and languages: English 2
Entrepreneurial management (3 ECTS)
Corporate general accounting: applications and case studies
Corporate general accounting: general principles
Statistics (2 ECTS)
Specific course units : Building Group
General aspects of civil engineering: resistance (5 ECTS)
Resistance: applications
Resistance: theory
General aspects of civil engineering: statics (4 ECTS)
Statics: applications
Statics: theory
Basics of computer science 3 (2 ECTS)
Programming of graphic interfaces
Mathematics supplements (3 ECTS)
Introduction to operational research
Eurocodes and CAD (2 ECTS)
Structure analysis with CAD software
Eurocodes introduction
Climate engineering (2 ECTS)
Climate engineering: applications
Climate engineering: theory
Materials techniques 3 (2 ECTS)
Materials techniques 3
Materials techniques 4 (2 ECTS)
Materials techniques 4
Lesson grid : Bachelor block 3 (2024-2025)
Teaching units of the 1st Quadrimester
Fluid machines (2 ECTS)
Fluid machines
Specific course units : Building Group
Reinforced concrete (3 ECTS)
Reinforced concrete: applications
Reinforced concrete: theory
Communication and languages (2 ECTS)
Communication and languages: English 3
Structure analysis supplements (1 ECTS)
Structure analysis with CAD software: supplements
Fluid machines: supplements (2 ECTS)
Fluid machines: supplements
Applied electronics and electrical engineering (2 ECTS)
Applied electronics and electrical engineering
The company: context, structure and issues (2 ECTS)
Structural organisation of businesses
Business strategies
Building materials (5 ECTS)
Building materials: labs
Building materials: theory
Stability (6 ECTS)
Resistance of materials: exercises
Resistance of materials: theory
Building technology (5 ECTS)
Building technology: applications
Building technology: theory
Teaching units of the 2nd Quadrimester
Specific course units : Building Group
Professional integration activities (10 ECTS)
Work placement (6 weeks)
Electrical engineering (1 ECTS)
Electrical engineering
Géotechnique 1 (3 ECTS)
Géotechnique 1
Fluid machines labs (1 ECTS)
Fluid machines labs
Link project (2 ECTS)
Link project in reinforced concrete
Roads and specifications (6 ECTS)
Project: renovation of roads according to Qualiroutes
Project: drawing of a new road
Roads and specifications: theory
Building specific techniques (4 ECTS)
Building specific techniques: exercises
Building specific techniques: theory
Topography (3 ECTS)
Basics of topography: theory
Basics of topography: practical work
Lesson grid : Master block 1 (2024-2025)
Teaching units of the 1st Quadrimester
Sanitation (2 ECTS)
Urban hydraulics
Energy management (4 ECTS)
Air conditioning (exercises)
Energy management in buildings
Language (2 ECTS)
Bridges (6 ECTS)
Béton précontraint : théorie
Bridges: theory
Road bridge project
Projet de structure en béton armé (2 ECTS)
Projet de structure en béton armé
Stability (5 ECTS)
Resistance of materials: exercises
Resistance of materials: theory
Resistance of materials: additional exercises - Building
Metal structures (6 ECTS)
Metal structures: projects + CAD
Metal structures: theory
Metal structures: exercises
Specific course units : - Civil Engineering and Buildings
Reinforced concrete: supplements (2 ECTS)
Supplements of reinforced concrete: CAO
Supplements of reinforced concrete: exercises
Building specific techniques: supplements (1 ECTS)
Buildings and specific techniques (Engineering and Buildings): supplements
Teaching units of the 2nd Quadrimester
Energy audit and control engineering (2 ECTS)
Building energy audit: project
Control engineering
CAD applied to displacement methods
CAD applied to VBA
Mathematics applied to building
Structural challenge (3 ECTS)
Wood structure calculation
Structure project
Géotechnique 2 (3 ECTS)
Géotechnique 2
Building physics (2 ECTS)
Building acoustics
Specific techniques labs
Preparation of professional environment (1 ECTS)
Preparation of professional environment
Projet d'hydraulique urbaine (1 ECTS)
Hydraulique urbaine : approche rationnelle
Metal road structure project (2 ECTS)
Metal bridge project
Execution techniques (2 ECTS)
Execution techniques
Topography (2 ECTS)
Topography: theory
Topography: practical work
Specific course units : - Civil Engineering and Buildings
CAD: plates and shells (1 ECTS)
Plates and shells
Applied mechanics and thermodynamics: supplements (3 ECTS)
Heat pumps
Execution techniques: supplements (2 ECTS)
Execution techniques: supplements
Lesson grid : Master block 2 (2024-2025)
Teaching units of the 1st Quadrimester
Managerial skills (1 ECTS)
Managerial skills
Building site management (2 ECTS)
Etats d'avancement et révision
L'offre de prix, le devis
La négociation
La planification
Réglementation des marchés
Hydraulics (3 ECTS)
Fluvial hydraulics
International management and Human resources (3 ECTS)
Contemporary management pillars
Human resources management
International management
Accident and environmental risks prevention (2 ECTS)
VCA diploma course for line manager
CO2 issue and carbon footprint
Entrepreneurial and management project (4 ECTS)
Intercultural communication
Entrepreneurial project
Residential HVAC project (2 ECTS)
Sustainable certification
Residential HVAC project
Résistance au feu des structures (1 ECTS)
Résistance au feu
Seminar on management simulation (4 ECTS)
Preparation for management simulation
Seminar on management simulation
Specific course units : - Civil Engineering and Buildings
Analysis of structural pathologies (2 ECTS)
Building pathology and defects 1
Compléments de géotechnique (3 ECTS)
Geotechnics supplements
Structural dynamics (3 ECTS)
Earthquake engineering
Vibrations of structures
Teaching units of the 2nd Quadrimester
Work placements (12 ECTS)
Work placements (min. 13 weeks)
Teaching units of the year
Final dissertation (18 ECTS)
Final dissertation
Lesson grid : Master block 0 (2024-2025)
Teaching units of the 1st Quadrimester
Reinforced concrete (3 ECTS)
Reinforced concrete: applications
Reinforced concrete: theory
Fluid machines: supplements (2 ECTS)
Fluid machines: supplements
Fluid machines (2 ECTS)
Fluid machines
Building materials (2 ECTS)
Building materials: theory
Stability (6 ECTS)
Resistance of materials: exercises
Resistance of materials: theory
Building technology (5 ECTS)
Building technology: applications
Building technology: theory
Group of course units specific to bridge programmes
Refresher course: chemistry (3 ECTS)
Refresher course: fluid mechanics (3 ECTS)
Fluid mechanics
Refresher course: materials science (4 ECTS)
Resistance of materials
Teaching units of the 2nd Quadrimester
Structure analysis supplements (1 ECTS)
Structure analysis with CAD software: supplements
Electrical engineering (1 ECTS)
Electrical engineering
Applied electronics and electrical engineering (2 ECTS)
Applied electronics and electrical engineering
Eurocodes and CAD (2 ECTS)
Structure analysis with CAD software
Eurocodes introduction
Géotechnique 1 (3 ECTS)
Géotechnique 1
Fluid machines labs (1 ECTS)
Fluid machines labs
Refresher course: thermodynamics (3 ECTS)
Thermodynamics: theory
Thermodynamics: practical work
Link project (2 ECTS)
Link project in reinforced concrete
Roads and specifications (3 ECTS)
Project: renovation of roads according to Qualiroutes
Roads and specifications: theory
Building specific techniques (4 ECTS)
Building specific techniques: exercises
Building specific techniques: theory
Group of course units specific to bridge programmes
Communication and languages (2 ECTS)
Communication and languages: English 3
Refresher course: electricity (3 ECTS)
Refresher course: mathematics (Building) (3 ECTS)
Mathematics applied to building
Master's studies in Industrial Engineering: Building
All around us, we can observe great works of civil engineering: the boat lift of Strépy-Braquegnies, the tunnel under Cointe in Liège, etc. In our country where the infrastructure is highly developed, building engineers are constantly involved.
Besides a strong common part specific to the industrial engineer in building where skills in building stability and design are developed, the training of building engineer in civil engineering and buildings specialises the student in road structures' design and stability as well as in water resource management.
Access to bridge programmes
If you already have a short degree in building, we also organize a bridge programme to Master studies in Industrial Engineering in Building. You will have direct access to the two years of Master if you pass a specific year of bridge programme.
Working as a building engineer in energy and environment
With their practical experience and technical expertise, this versatile engineer is involved at every stage of the project: from technical design to implementation.
The fields of intervention of industrial engineers in energy and environment are multiple and varied; their technical knowledge and capacity of expertise lead them to work at all stages of building projects :
Size calculation of structures;
Management of infrastructures: highways, railways, waterways;
Site management of general building or roads;
Management of workers;
Job opportunities
General building companies or road companies;
Design offices specialised in stability, roads,...;
Building site management;
Professional activity as a self-employed worker;
sales engineer;
Administrations, public enterprises;
Student Mobility
Examples of end-of-study placements carried out abroad by Master’s students in building engineering (in French).