
Select this button image22.gif , in the right-hand side zone appears this icon graf26.gif


Placing the icon "action" graf26.gif on a step opens the following dialog box, allowing to define the actions (function and signal) and their control.




Timers :

They are installed like ordinary actions by choosing the timer function.

Start or stop, (Stop sets to 0 the current value).

When a timer is running, passing from one step to the next step does not stop the timer ; the timer keeps running.

The time basis for operation is the tenth of a second.


Counters :

Choose the type of operation (+, -, to position, RAZ) before to place the counter in the action window.


Conditional action :

In the chosen example, the action Q4 is true only if step 2 is active and I1 is true.


The placement of this condition is done from the window of the conditions associable with the actions.