Accueil > The virtual mechanism > Actuators > Jacks
From the contextual menu ‘’Virtual Mechanism - Actuators - Jacks" or from the toolbar ,
up to 20 jacks can be placed on the work area.
Pneumatic or hydraulic simulations can be activated from the following window :
A few properties :
There are various types of jacks :
Squashing or blocking jacks ;
Magnetized plateau ;
Cutting jacks ;
Separation jack.
Test : allows to visualize the entering and exiting speeds of the jack rod.
The choice of command of the distributor determines its behaviour.
All jacks can be equipped with a magnetized plateau (or grips, suction cup...). This feature makes it possible to seize the objects (and to carry them at the time of the return of rod) in order to move them.
In this configuration a command relay and the feedback information "pasted part" are automatically set in place.
Placing end of travel stops is done by “Dragging and Dropping” on the jack, either on the side of the rod or below the jack.
This detection (end of travel stop) is directly associated with the jack used.
Three intermediate detections can be placed on a jack. The positions related to the detections vary from 25 to 75%.
When the jack is displaced, the associated detections follow and the command distributors are dissociated from the jack.
Le positionnement du vérin est réalisé avec
The positioning of the jack is realized using the shift key and the mouse.
Modification of speeds in Run mode
In Run mode, it's possible to modify the entrance speed or the exit speed of the stem by the slider available at mean of a right click on the blue rectangle.
+ Shift
+ Shift
Accueil > The virtual mechanism > Actuators > Jacks