In conformity with the Windows environment, this window respects the ergonomics ensuring an intuitive use which allows simple editing of the program, in conformity with professional editors.
This environment is made of :
an editing zone for the network title (up to 35 characters) ;
of a toolbar, green zone, which includes the list of the elements to be defined, located on the left of the work area ;
of a yellow work area located at the centre of the screen ;
at the right , a list of networks showing the sequence of the program execution ;
the buttons with up and down arrows, allow to modify the sequence of execution of the networks ;
a zone for editing the functionality of the network (title, equation, comments...) ;
a zone for editing for the network comments.
La barre d'outils
Function of these buttons :
The links realize the connection between the elements of test and/or between the actions to be taken.
The test elements produce a logic result (LgR) proper to their function.
The actions determine the type of action to be achieved, coil, Reset...
The editing buttons allow to :
remove a network ;
undo the last action ;
validate the network in progress of editing ;
define the insertion mode.
Le groupe Simulation permet de :
switch to the Run mode ;
switch to the Stop mode ;
visualize , for the network being edited, the truth table for the node in the upper right corner ;
visualize the logic result of the nodes of the network.
The HELP button provides on line help.