HEH / Registration / Amounts
Enrolment fee
Short-term programmes: €175,01 - Scholarship student: €0
Short-term programmes (year of graduation) : €227,24 - Scholarship student: €0
Long-term programmes (Bachelor's beginning of cycle and mid-cycle as well as Master's beginning of cycle): €350,03 - Scholarship student: €0
Long-term programmes: (year of graduation of 1st and 2nd cycles): €454,47 - Scholarship student: €0
Administrative and photocopy costs: (€110 + €100) €210 - Scholarship student: €0
Specific enrolment fee
A specific fee is required for non-EU national students whose non-Belgian parents or legal guardian are not living in Belgium:
Short-term programmes: €992
Long-term programmes, 1st cycle: €1487
Long-term programmes, 2nd cycle: €1984
In certain circumstances, the student may be exempted from this specific enrolment fee (see the funding conditions).
I am a scholarship student:
The total amount (enrolment fee + administrative costs + specific study fee) may not exceed the €0 limit for scholarship students (visit http://www.allocations-etudes.cfwb.be/BURS_WEB/faces/Accueille/d_index.jsp).
I am a student from a modest-income family:
When should I pay these amounts?
50 euros must be paid by 31 October at the latest and the full amount of enrolment fees must be paid at the latest by 1 February of the current academic year. Students will be considered as regular students at HEH only when their enrolment file is completed and when the amount has been deposited into the account (corresponding to their enrolment fee, specific enrolment fee if applicable and administrative and study costs).
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